Archives November 2021

The Many States of Disc Golf – Nebraska

According to the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) website, there are approximately 107 disc golf courses in Nebraska.  These are the 5 disc golf courses I have played in Nebraska.  

Cottonmill Disc Golf, Kearney, NE
Aug 29, 2021
Centennial Park, Kearney, NE
Aug 29, 2021

Lake Hastings, Hastings, NE
Aug 28, 2021

Hanscolm Park DGC, Omaha, NE
Aug 26, 2021

Yes… that’s an ace on the scorecard!!

Aug 27, 2021

Aug 28, 2021
Seymour Smith Park, La Vista, NE
Aug 26, 2021

Lincoln, NE Capitol Building Excursion – Aug 2021

I headed out early from Omaha (G on he map) and although it was not on my original itinerary, I decided Lincoln, NE (H) would be a good place to stop for my morning coffee.  It was on the route heading west, is the capital of the state and would be a good break after knocking out about an hour of driving.

Although quite hot, it was a beautiful day and I headed towards the Capitol building. Definitely a different looking building than other capital buildings I’ve seen.  You know, the ones with big marble pillars, two wings and a large dome in the middle.  This was a tower with a dome on top.

I was walking the sidewalk around the block looking across the lawns and admiring it up on the hill when a car pulled up next to me.  A woman rolled down her window and yelled out, “I think it’s open today!”.  I had to look around to see if she was talking to me!  I thanked her and she drove on. 

Well that was weird, but, I guess I have to go see if it’s open.  

Loved the big Bison head door handle

It was open, so I went in.

I found a creepy elevator. 

I pressed “B”.  It went down.  And there I was.  Who knew that at some point in my life, I’d find myself wandering around the basement of the capitol building in Lincoln, Nebraska. Very cool brick work with the curved ceiling.  It had very cool acoustics as I walked a bit through the halls reading the senator names on the office doors.

I went back in and pressed the top button. I went to the top and I found there was an outdoor walkway around the top.  I gazed out across Nebraska.  It’s flat.

What a fun, unexpected excursion! 

I got my coffee.  Explored a little of the area.  And headed on my way.

(I was not the only one in the Capitol building. Top to bottom, there were other tourists and tours and I felt it to be a safe environment)

Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge – Omaha, NE – Aug 2021

I went to see the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge.

The Nebraska side of the bridge is located at the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Visitor Center.  Across much of my trip, I came across locations related to Lewis and Clark over and over.  They were everywhere out there!  Unfortunately, much of the walking area of the center was under construction and fenced off.
As you walk out of the visitor center and under the bridge, you come across the troll.  I found it funny as that’s the second troll under a bridge I’ve seen this year.  

Troll under the Pedestrian Bridge

Troll under a Wheeling, WV bridge

We got along.
The Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge stretches 300 feet across the Missouri River from Omaha, NE to Council Bluffs, IA.

I walked the bridge to Iowa.


Looking from Iowa to Nebraska

It was windy over the Missouri River.  It had the cables rattling.
This guy was on the Council Bluffs side of the bridge.  Not sure what he was looking at.

Exploring Omaha – Day 1 – Aug 2021

Pretty cool that I find myself in Omaha, Nebraska!
I grabbed some coffee at a neighborhood coffee shop and spent my morning working from my AirBnB.
I had a recommendation from my brother to eat a Runza while here.  The original Runza location is no longer around so I went to the closest one I could find for lunch.  Runza started in 1949 by Sally Everett in Lincoln, NE.  The operations were expanded by her son and are still run by her grandchildren.  The Runza Sandwich features bread that is baked fresh daily stuffed with ground beef, onions, spices, and cabbage.  I added mushrooms, onions and cheese to mine.  It’s kind of like a Nebraskan cheese steak.  I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next one.
Went back to the AirBnB to work through the afternoon then headed out for some disc golf.  I played two courses.  The first one was a short nine hole course at Hanscom Park Disc Golf Course about a quarter mile from my home.  I really enjoyed having this nearby as I did go back a few more times during my stay.  It was close and I could get through a round in about 30 minutes.  AND…. I SHOT MY FIRST ACE so why not go back!

Shot my ace on hole 4 at Hanscom Park Disc Golf Course.
It was a short hole of only 135 feet but I had to wind it around numerous trees.
From here I headed to Seymour Smith Disc Golf Course which was about 30 minutes away in La Vista, NE.  It is one of the better rated courses in the area and is a more challenging 18 basket course.  Loved that I was disc golfing in Nebraska!

I had decided, while in the planning process of this trip, that I’d treat myself to a steak dinner in Omaha.  After golfing, I went home, cleaned up and headed to The Drover.   Certainly not a high end joint.  The inside was very dark with cowboy motif. There was a salad bar.  The steak was OK.  I’ll go elsewhere the next time.

Went by Pageturners Lounge per Michael’s recommendation.  Excellent little venue.  There was a duet playing which ended with Pink Floyd’s “If”.  Always enjoy live music!

The Many States of Disc Golf – Iowa

According to the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) website, there are approximately 300 disc golf courses in Iowa.  These are the 4 disc golf courses I have played in Iowa.

Pickard Park Disc Golf, Indianola, IA
Aug 24, 2021

Ewing Park, Des Moines, IA
Aug 23, 2021

Westside Park, Dyersville, IA
Aug 21, 2021

Toledo Community Disc Golf, Toledo, IA
Aug 21, 2021

The Old Market in Omaha – Aug 2021

I arrived into Omaha late in the day and spent my first night exploring the Old Market.  The Old Market in Omaha is the most historic and most entertaining neighborhood in the city.  There are all kinds of shops, galleries, restaurants and taverns along its cobblestone streets.  I found it to be a great place to interact with some locals and people watch.

My first stop was at a local tavern called Mister Toad.  I was hoping to find some live music and this seemed to be the only place that had any in the area.  According to the website, there was a piano player that night.  Unfortunately, I didn’t think he was very good and neither he nor the bartender were very friendly.  I did like the bar itself.  There was some cool stuff on the old brick walls and in one room there was pew seating and bookshelves.  I stayed for one beer and then went exploring.

I continued exploring, walking in and out of stores, sitting on benches people watching and just enjoying the fact that I was in Omaha, Nebraska!
I enjoyed a store called The Lotus.   The Lotus is a new age shop with fun gifts, home made soap, unique clothing and other interesting items.  The owner, Loralee, welcomed me in and even offered me a glass of wine.  I stayed there and chatted with her for quite awhile.  I bought some soap and a back pack and continued on.
Just a few doors down from The Lotus was a bar called The Monster Club.  I was intrigued so went in.  I probably spent close to an hour here.  The bartenders were very friendly and engaged in conversation, the beer selection was excellent and the collection of monsters was outstanding!  They refer to themselves as ” an homage to horror in popular culture”.  Loved this place!  I ended up wandering around the bar looking at things and taking pictures.

Great mural!  How many movies can you name?

We had issues.

Stranger Things!

They were playing
“Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein”

When I left the bar, it was dark.  I wandered around Old Town a little while longer before heading home.

Happy cow!

This guy was great!! The deep tones of his cello were eerie as it echoed down the streets.
Listen to the cello in Old Town Omaha
Relaxed on the porch of my Omaha residence before going to bed.

Bridges of Madison County, Winterset, IA – Aug 2021

Des Moines to Omaha

Bridges of Madison County

It takes about 2 hours to drive from Des Moines, IA to Omaha, NE.  I had an AirBnB lined up there and had all day to get there.  This was going to be one of my “work on the road” days.  These are fun because I get to work from different types of places. The Bridges of Madison County are a little south west of Des Moines so it was the perfect side trip for the day.

I got my morning work routine completed and headed out of the AirBnB early.  I grabbed a cup of coffee on the road and arrived at the first bridge.

Madison County used to have 19 covered bridges.  There are only six left.  I was able to see four of them.

Back when these were built, bridges were covered to protect the flooring timbers from the weather and make them last longer.  The flooring wood was much more expensive than the rest of the structure.

The Imes Covered Bridge

The Imes Covered Bridge was easy to find.  It’s right there when you get off the highway and is located in a well traveled area.

It was built in 1870 and had been moved twice over the years.  I find it amazing that they can just pick up a bridge and move it somewhere else.

I took a walk across the bridge and noticed signatures all over the inside.  Although this seemed to be a thing at all of the bridges, I opted not to sign.

There was another person there that morning as well.  A dude that was traveling through Iowa and having his own road trip out of South Dakota.  I ran into him later at a different bridge as well.

The Holliwell Covered Bridge
About 30 minutes down the road is the Holliwell Covered Bridge.  This bridge was built in 1880 and is one of the bridges featured in Clint Eastwood’s movie.  I found the area to be quiet and peaceful although there were plenty of tourists coming and going.
I took this opportunity to grab my chair and to walk down to the stream that went under the bridge.  I fired up the hotspot and got some work done.  There were no tourists down there and is was such a beautiful place to be.  I feel blessed and grateful that I am able to work in so many unique places.

Getting work done at the Holliwell Bridge
Winterset, IA
The hub of Madison County is Winterset, IA.  I had some meetings lined up in the afternoon so headed into town.  I stopped at the Winterset Chamber of Commerce and used some of their space to take my meetings.  I also walked around the town a bit.
I stopped in the local pharmacy for lunch.  For those that don’t know, my grandfather started a pharmacy in the early 1900’s in Pottsville, PA where I was raised.  My dad took it over and worked their his entire career.  He would talk about back in the day when the pharmacy actually had a soda fountain and counter space.  I often find myself stopping at independent pharmacies when I see them in small towns.  They are rare now a days and a throw back to the past.  The pharmacy in Winterset still had a soda fountain, so I stopped there for lunch.

Winterset Chamber of Commerce

Winterset City Hall
Cedar Covered Bridge
The Cedar Covered Bridge was built in 1883.  In 2002 and in 2017, the bridge was destroyed by arson, however, was rebuilt both times.  The bridge sits in its own park, the Cedar Bridge Park, (Quite the original name!) so I took advantage and fired up my hot spot for a while. In 1993, to promote the book, “Bridges of Madison County”, Oprah Winfrey hosted her show from this park.  The Cedar Covered Bridge is the only covered bridge in Madison County that you can still drive over.

Cedar Bridge Park

Cedar Covered Bridge

Yup… video of me driving over Cedar Covered Bridge
My next stop was on my route, it was later in the day and I did need a gift for my friend that I would be staying with in Colorado.  My work day was mostly complete, although, I would check the numbers and make some adjustments when I reached my AirBnB in Omaha.  I bought a bottle for Wayne, and figured, since I was there, I’d get a tasting!
The facility was bright and airy and the woman giving the tasting was very knowledgable.  I was allowed to have a small tasting of five different wines.  I find wine tastings pretty funny because you get such a tiny little amount.  But I guess that is the point.  They were all excellent!  She also helped me decide which of the final three bridges I’d go visit.  The remaining bridges were all a little out of the way.
Hogback Covered Bridge
Built in 1884, this was my favorite of the four bridges.  I had to travel a few miles of gravel roads to get to it and it was really out in the middle of nowhere.  It was so peaceful and quiet that I ended up just sitting here for a stretch just being… and taking pictures.

Watch me sit here…..

…. ta da!
On to Nebraska!

Gravel Roads in Iowa


I found myself driving down gravel roads in Iowa.

At times I would come to crossroads.

Occasionally I stopped
and I would look around

and I would notice myself standing in the middle of nowhere in Iowa.

I enjoyed the peacefulness of it.

Sometimes after following GPS down gravel roads for miles, a bridge would be out.

Gravel roads crossroads

Pappajohn Sculpture Park, Des Moines – Aug 2021

 I had spent the morning at the Iowa State Fair and was headed to my AirBnB. I was a bit early on check in time and had to find something to knock out a little over an hour.  I thought I’d visit something from my Des Moines to-do list, the Pappajohn Sculpture Park. (Not related to the pizza guy)  This sculpture park, located in downtown Des Moines, is considered one of the most significant collections of outdoor sculptures in the United States.  

Some of my favorite sculptures from the park.
There was an entryway into the center of this sculpture of rainbow colored glass.  I stood in the center and took a panorama shot.  If you look closely…. there is a different color selfie of me in each panel.
I really enjoyed the following two sculptures, especially the one peering around from the back.  I like the goofiness and emotion they have that makes me wonder what is going on in their heads. (nothing, they are sculptures!)  

Ugo Rondinone sculpture in Des Moines


Ugo Rondinone sculpture that I recalled seeing in San Francisco!