Archives September 2022

Parking at Airport Mesa Vortex, Sedona, AZ

Today, I’m sharing a crucial aspect of visiting the captivating Airport Mesa Vortex in Sedona, Arizona—parking. As a fellow traveler living the van life, who had my fair share of parking drama at this mesmerizing site, I’m here to provide you with valuable insights and recommendations on how to secure a parking spot and make the most of your visit.

Parking at the Airport Mesa Vortex: A Race Against the Clock
Airport Mesa Vortex

When I heard about the limited parking at the Airport Mesa Vortex and the advice to arrive early, I thought I was prepared. However, my experience was a wake-up call in more ways than one.

To make the most of this adventure, I set my alarm for 5 A.M. and arrived at the Airport Mesa Vortex trailhead at 6 A.M., hoping to snag a parking spot for my van. Much to my surprise, all the spaces in the closer parking area were already taken. Undeterred, I decided to wait, believing it wouldn’t be long until someone came down from the vortex, freeing up a parking spot. As I waited, another van pulled up, and we both found ourselves in a parking standoff, each with our blinkers on, waiting for the same spot.

Tensions Rise: The Blinker Battle

As my fellow van dweller and I both had our blinkers on, a tense situation emerged. We both desperately wanted the same spot from the first person to come down from the vortex. It was a classic case of blinker warfare—a standoff that can test the patience and civility of even the most seasoned van life travelers.

Tips for Navigating the Parking Challenge

  1. Arrive Ultra Early: My ultimate recommendation, based on my experience living the van life, is to arrive at the Airport Mesa Vortex well before sunrise. This not only increases your chances of securing a parking spot for your van but also allows you to witness the stunning Sedona sunrise from this unique location.
  2. Consider the Longer Parking Option: If you’re not an early bird or prefer a more extended hike while embracing the van life, the parking area at the top of Airport Rd is a viable alternative. While I can’t speak from personal experience about this option, it alleviates the stress of competing for limited spaces and provides an opportunity to explore a longer section of the trail. Many van life enthusiasts opt for this choice to avoid parking conflicts.
  3. Be Prepared for Parking Fees: It’s possible that there may be a parking fee at the Airport Mesa Vortex. During my visit, I didn’t encounter such a charge, but I did notice that some websites mentioned the possibility. Parking regulations can change, so I recommend checking the latest information online or with local authorities to confirm the current parking fee status. Being prepared for potential fees will ensure a smoother experience while living the van life.
  4. Carpool with Fellow Travelers: If you’re traveling with friends or fellow van lifers, consider carpooling to reduce the number of vehicles searching for parking. This not only helps ease the parking situation but also lessens the environmental impact of multiple vehicles, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly visit.
  5. Midweek Visits: If your travel schedule allows for flexibility, plan your visit to the Airport Mesa Vortex on a weekday rather than a weekend. Weekdays tend to be less crowded, offering a better chance of finding a parking spot without the weekend rush.

The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart
This richly illustrated New York Times bestseller and word-of-mouth-phenomenon takes readers on a journey through the magical landscape of Sedona, illuminating the path to self-discovery and opening readers to a higher purpose and potential—from one of the world’s most renowned meditation teachers.

Great Sedona Hikes
Includes 60 of Sedona’s greatest hikes (the Fourth Edition contains 65 hikes) and includes many new photos, updated trail descriptions, more-detailed maps including cumulative ascent data and trail elevation profiles.

Sedona, Psychic Energy Vortexes: True Stories of Healing and Transformation
Renowned psychic researcher Dick Sutphen reveals everything readers need to know about Sedona, a hot spot of powerful cosmic energies that can call in spiritual visions, past-life experiences, and healing.

Preparing for Your Visit

Before embarking on your adventure to the Airport Mesa Vortex, it’s essential to consider a few key factors. Sedona’s weather can vary, so be sure to check the forecast and dress accordingly. The trail to the vortex is generally suitable for most fitness levels, but it’s a good idea to be prepared with sturdy hiking shoes. You’ll also want to pack essentials such as water, sunscreen, and a hat for sun protection, as well as some snacks to keep your energy up.

The Reward: Experiencing the Airport Mesa Vortex

Despite the parking challenges, the Airport Mesa Vortex experience is undoubtedly worth it. Once you’ve secured your spot for your vehicle, embarked on the short hike, and reached the vortex’s viewpoints, you’ll find yourself immersed in the serene energy of this enchanting place.

Meditate, Reflect, and Rejuvenate

The Airport Mesa Vortex is a perfect spot for meditation and self-reflection, ideal for van life enthusiasts seeking a tranquil experience. Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and immerse yourself in the serene vibes. Many visitors, including myself, report a sense of calm and rejuvenation in this special place.

Capture the Moment

Don’t forget to capture the mesmerizing scenery, a must for van life adventurers. The stunning red rock formations against the clear Arizona sky make for incredible photo opportunities. Whether you’re an aspiring photographer or just want to document your journey in the van life style, the Airport Mesa Vortex offers a picturesque backdrop.

Parking at the Airport Mesa Vortex can be an adventure in itself. Still, with the right strategy and a dash of patience, you can navigate the challenges and experience the magic of this unique destination. Arrive early, consider the longer parking option if necessary, and remember that the beauty of the vortex awaits those who persevere. Safe travels, fellow adventurers, and may your journey to the Airport Mesa Vortex be filled with both happy parking tales and moments of serenity.

Here is a 360 degree panorama of the Vortex. You can see my van below in the small parking area.

See this Airport Mesa Vortex video on TikTok

Note: By clicking on some of the links above and making a purchase, I may make a commission.

Visiting Airport Mesa Vortex, Sedona, AZ – Aug 2022

I really enjoyed my weekend in Sedona, AZ. One of my highlights was the Airport Mesa Vortex.

What is a vortex?

A vortex is considered to be an area on the earth where energy is projected out. They tend to be energized and spiritual places on the planet. Sedona has a few different vortexes.

Airport Mesa Vortex
Airport Mesa VortexThe Airport Mesa vortex is the easiest of the vortexes in Sedona to get to and does not require any hiking. I did need to climb up to the top of a hill, but it is a very short walk.

The parking area is only a short drive from the center of Sedona so it does tend to get crowded.

If you want to be the only one there, you typically need to get there very early. I woke up early (can you tell?), arrived at 6:30 and the parking area was already full. I waited about 10 minutes for someone to come down from the top and I was able to park.

Upon hiking to the top, I found it very crowded and far from peaceful. There were 35+ folks meadering about and having conversations.

I found a spot, laid down and meditated attempting to block out the sounds of everyone and feeling the energy.

After some time, I sat up and found myself conversing with a nice gentleman. He said he came that morning at 4 a.m. so would be able to be there alone. He mentioned it is the only time you can be alone up there. He then started to leave and I went back to meditating.

I laid there, meditating and attempting to be in the moment despite the business of the place. Not 15 minutes later, I opened my eyes and found myself there completely by myself!! It was a magical moment!!

Here is a 360 degree panorama of the Vortex after everyone left!

See this Airport Mesa Vortex video on TikTok

Note: By clicking on some of the links above and making a purchase, I may make a commission.