Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs

Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs

I don’t quite understand the meaning of this sign.
This sign in Raleigh, NC
I do get the no parking part. That’s pretty obvious.
I will definitely not park my vehicle here.
It refers specifically to parking and what you can do, or more precisely can’t do, with parking here.
It then refers to Stopping. And it refers to Standing.
It doesn’t, as it does for parking, tell you not to stop,
not to stand.
Does that then mean that stopping and/or standing would be, not just approved of, but asked of you?
They are after all, yelling it at us.
No parking!! but….
I stopped and I stood.
My grandfather built this building 92 years ago.
It is in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.
He and my dad were pharmacists and worked here for as long as I have a memory.
It continued to exist long after they worked there.
Owned and operated locally by trusted town pharmacists
After they worked there.
These are my daughters in front of the store.
I recently stopped in on my way to Florida
This sign and this building are close to my heart
The store has been closed and the sign is gone

Found the above sign in Boise, Idaho.
It was in front of the building next to the Freak Alley sign

Nice perspective on the beer.
Great perspective down the alley.
The sign on the left is at the head of the
Wheeling Suspension Bridge in Wheeling, WV.
It was built in the mid 1840’s,
and was the world’s longest suspension bridge.
The bridge was constructed to extend the National Road which began in Maryland.
The National Road was the first road in the United States that was funded by the federal government.
It was in use for vehicles up until Sept 2019 when it was closed to vehicular traffic due to
“the traveling public’s continued disregard of
weight limit and safety signs”
I walked across this bridge.

This is a sign at the First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park in Cascade County, Montana.
It warns “You are entering the home of the Prairie Rattlesnake.”
What I found amazing was that the first few 100 meters of this hike was through an open field of hundreds of prairie dogs. Doesn’t seem the smartest place to build your home if you are small enough for prairie rattlesnake to eat you.

I found myself on a hillside on a beautiful end of a day
in the middle of nowhere Montana

This sign is in Bradenton, Florida
At D. G. Bray Disc Golf Course.

This is actually not just a sign in Bradenton, Florida,
but two signs on one tree at D. G. Bray Disc Golf Course.

This was my third round in 18 months here. I like this course.

The signs explain that your disk must pass on this side of the tree.

It is mandatory on this particular drive to shoot to the left side of this tree or you would lose a stroke… a mando.

I did not see any live manatees while here in Florida on this particular trip.

I did enjoy this manatee and I appreciated them pointing me in the right direction.

I did manage to throw my disc to that side of the tree.
More signs to come

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